# HepSim validation script using Jas4pp or hs-toolkit # Task: Reconstruct pT amd Mjj cross sections using ProIO input file. # The particle records are saved as VarintPackedParticles # The validation also uses weights from Pythia8. # It uses a fast transform from ProIO record to ArrayList # S.Chekanov (ANL), Aug. 2018 # from java.lang import * from java.awt import Color,Font from jhplot import HPlot,P1D,HLabel,H1D from jhplot.io import HBook from hepsimproio import HepSim, FileMC from jhplot.utils import FileList from hepsim import HepSim from hephysics.hepsim import PromcUtil from java.util import ArrayList from hephysics.jet import ParticleD,JetN2 import sys NMax=5 # max number of files for testing dataset="tev13pp_qcd_pythia8_proio" tag="" # only truth level url="" if len(sys.argv)>1: flist=FileList.get(sys.argv[1],"proio") if (len(sys.argv)>2): NMax=int(sys.argv[2]) else: sites=HepSim.urlRedirector(dataset) url=sites[0]+"/"+tag flist=HepSim.getList(url) if len(flist)==0: print "Error: No input file!"; sys.exit(0) else: print "Reading "+str(len(flist))+" files. Nr of files= ",NMax h1= H1D("PT(jet)",50,50,3000) h2= H1D("M(jj)",25,100,10000) #h1.setFill(True) #h1.doc() # check its methods ktjet=JetN2(0.4,"antikt",50) # E-mode, anti-KT,min pT=50 # print ktjet.info() nev=0; Nfiles=len(flist) if (NMax>-1 and len(flist)>Nfiles): Nfiles=NMax # limit to NMax files across,weightSumTot,lumi=0,0,0 # cross, lumi and total weights um,lun=0,0 # varint encoding mm=0 for m in range(Nfiles): # loop over all files in this list weightSum=0 fmc=FileMC(url+flist[m]) reader=fmc.reader() first=True while (reader.hasNext()): # event loop event=reader.next() metadata = event.getMetadata() # get metadata for this event nev=nev+1 if (nev%200==0): if (Nfiles==1): print "Event=",nev else: print "Event=",nev," done=",int((100.0*m)/Nfiles),"%" if (first): un=float(metadata["info:varint_energy"].toStringUtf8()) lun=float(metadata["info:varint_length"].toStringUtf8()) first=False if (reader.hasNext() == False): print "Metadata from last event:" #metadata=metadata.entrySet() print metadata["meta:description"].toStringUtf8(); print metadata["meta:creation_time"].toStringUtf8() lumi=lumi+float(metadata["meta:luminosity_inv_pb"].toStringUtf8()); across=across+float(metadata["meta:cross_section_pb"].toStringUtf8()); print "-> Accumulated luminosity (pb-1) =",lumi print "-> Cross section (pb)=",float(metadata["meta:cross_section_pb"].toStringUtf8()); # weight sum should be for entire file! weightSumTot=weightSumTot+weightSum; break # block with some MC parameters weight=1.0 weightSum=0.0 for entryID in event.getTaggedEntries("MCParameters"): mc=event.getEntry(entryID) weight=mc.getWeight() for entryID in event.getTaggedEntries("Pythia8Parameters"): # Pythia8 specific mc=event.getEntry(entryID) weightSum=mc.getWeightSum() # loop over particles for entryID in event.getTaggedEntries("VarintPackedParticles"): pa=event.getEntry(entryID) particles=PromcUtil.getParticleDList(un, pa, 1, -1, 1000); ktjet.buildJets(particles) # ktjet.printJets() jets=ktjet.getJetsSorted() # return jets sorted in pT if (len(jets)>0): lead=jets[0] h1.fill(lead.perp(),weight) if (len(jets)>1): pt1=jets[0].perp() pt2=jets[1].perp() if (abs(jets[0].phi()-jets[1].phi())>2): jets[0].add(jets[1]) mass=jets[0].mass() h2.fill(mass,weight) mm=mm+1 fmc.close() cross=across/float(mm) # average cross section lumi=nev/cross; print "Lumi=%.3e pb"%lumi print "Total cross section (pb)=",cross print "Total weight=",weightSumTot h1.scale(cross/(h1.getBinSize()*weightSumTot)) h2.scale(cross/(h1.getBinSize()*weightSumTot)) c1 = HPlot("HepSim") c1.setNameX("p_{T}(jet) [GeV]") c1.setNameY("d σ / d p_{T} [pb / GeV]") c1.visible(True) c1.setMarginLeft(90) c1.setAutoRange(True) c1.cd(1,1) c1.setRangeX(0,3000) c1.setRangeY(0.00001,10000000) c1.setLogScale(1,1) c1.draw(h1) l1=HLabel("Pythia8 QCD σ=%.3e pb"%cross, 0.5, 0.75, "NDC") l1.setFont(Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12)) c1.add(l1) l2=HLabel("=HepSim=",0.8,0.85, "NDC") l2.setColor(Color.gray) l2.setFont(Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14)) c1.add(l2) # create file/image using name of the file name="output" if len(sys.argv[0])>0: name=sys.argv[0].replace(".py","") file=HBook(name+".jdat","w"); print name+".jdat created" file.write(h1) file.close() c1.export(name+".svg"); print name+".svg created" # h1.toFile(name+".txt"); print name+".txt created" # sys.exit(0)