# HepSim script for hs-tools or Jas4pp # Part of =HepMC= : https://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/asc/hepsim/ # Calculates particle masses from the truth level for the leading jet # S.Chekanov (ANL) from java.awt import Color,Font from java.lang import * from proto import FileMC from jhplot import HPlot,H1D,P1D,HLabel # graphics from jhplot.utils import FileList from hephysics.particle import LParticle from hephysics.hepsim import PromcUtil from hephysics.jet import JetN2 from hepsim import HepSim import sys,math ktjet=JetN2(0.5,"antikt",500) # anti-KT,E-mode, R=0.5,min pT=50 GeV,fast # print ktjet.info() url=""; TotalEvents=20000 default_www="http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/hepsim/events/mumu/5tev/mm5tev_pythia6_zprime5tev_qq/" # default_www="http://mc.hep.anl.gov/asc/hepsim/events/mumu/40tev/mm40tev_pythia6_zprime40tev_qq/" if len(sys.argv)>1: if sys.argv[1].startswith("http"): flist=HepSim.getList(sys.argv[1]) url=sys.argv[1] else: flist=FileList.get(sys.argv[1],"promc") if (len(sys.argv)>2): TotalEvents=int(sys.argv[2]) else: url=default_www; flist=HepSim.getList(url) if len(flist)==0: print "Error: No input file!"; sys.exit(0) else: print "Reading "+str(len(flist))+" files. Nr events= ",TotalEvents h1= H1D("PT(lead jet)",50,0,50000) h2= H1D("Particle mass",500,0,2) h1.setFill(True) h2.setFill(True) #h1.doc() # check its methods c1 = HPlot("=HepSim=",500,500) c1.visible(True) c1.setAutoRange(True) c1.setMarginLeft(90) c1.setLegend(0) cross=0; nev=0; Nfiles=len(flist) for m in range(Nfiles): # loop over all files in this list file=FileMC(url+flist[m]) # get input file header = file.getHeader() un=float(header.getMomentumUnit()) # conversion units lunit=float(header.getLengthUnit()) if m==0: print "ProMC v=",file.getVersion(), "M unit=",un,"L unit=",lunit if (nev>TotalEvents): print "Max Nr of events are done"; break # stop after some events for i in range(file.size()): if (nev>TotalEvents): break nev=nev+1 if (nev%500==0): if (Nfiles==1): print "Event=",nev else: print "Event=",nev," done=",int((100.0*m)/Nfiles),"%" if (nev%2000==0): c1.clearData() #c1.setNameX("p_{T}(lead. jet) [GeV]") #c1.setNameY("Entries") #c1.draw(h1) c1.draw(h2) print "Update canvas" eve = file.read(i) pa = eve.getParticles() # particle information allpart=[] for j in range(pa.getPxCount()): if pa.getStatus(j)==1: if (abs(pa.getPdgId(j))==12 or abs(pa.getPdgId(j))==14 or abs(pa.getPdgId(j))==15): continue # neutrino par=LParticle(pa.getPx(j)/un,pa.getPy(j)/un,pa.getPz(j)/un,pa.getEnergy(j)/un,pa.getMass(j)/un) if (par.perp()>0.5): allpart.append(par) #h2.fill( pa.getMass() ) # ve = eve.getEvent() # event information particles=PromcUtil.getParticleDList(file.getHeader(), pa, 1, -1, 1000); ktjet.buildJets(particles); # ktjet.printJets(); jets=ktjet.getJetsSorted() if len(jets)>1: for jj in range(2): eta=jets[jj].getRapidity() phi=jets[jj].getPhi() h1.fill(jets[jj].perp()) for pp in allpart: phiL=pp.phi() etaL=pp.rapidity() dR2=(phi-phiL)*(phi-phiL) + (eta-etaL)*(eta-etaL) dR=math.sqrt(dR2) if (dR<0.5): h2.fill( pp.getMass() ) #h1.fill(jets[0].perp()) #for index in xlist: # part=particles[index] #print part.mass() #print part.mass(), type(part) #h2.fill( part.mass() ) stat = file.getStat() cross=stat.getCrossSectionAccumulated() erro=stat.getCrossSectionErrorAccumulated(); file.close() lumi=nev/cross; print "Lumi=%.3e pb"%lumi print "Total cross section (pb)=",cross hNew=h1.getDividedByBinWidth() hNew.scale(1.0/lumi) xsec=P1D(hNew) xsec.setErr(1) # show errors xsec.setColor(Color.blue) # show final cross section c1.clearData() c1.clear() # c1.setLogScale(1,1) #c1.setRangeY(0,01) c1.setRangeX(0,2) c1.setMarginLeft(90) #c1.setNameX("p_{T}(lead. jet) [GeV]") #c1.setNameY("d σ / d p_{T} [pb/GeV]") c1.setNameX("particle mass [GeV]") c1.setNameY("Events") # c1.draw(xsec) # h1.toTable() c1.draw(h2) # l1=HLabel("σ=%.3e pb"%cross, 0.4, 0.75, "NDC") l1=HLabel("=%.3e GeV"%h2.mean(), 0.4, 0.75, "NDC") l1.setFont(Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 15)) c1.add(l1) l2=HLabel("=HepSim=",0.6,0.85, "NDC") l2.setColor(Color.gray) l2.setFont(Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14)) c1.add(l2) # create file/image using name of the file name="output" if len(sys.argv[0])>0: name=sys.argv[0].replace(".py","") from jhplot.io import HBook file=HBook(name+".jdat","w"); print name+".jdat created" file.write(xsec) file.write(h2) file.close() c1.export(name+".svg"); print name+".svg created" # xsec.toFile(name+".txt"); print name+".txt created" # sys.exit(0)