This web service is designed to calculate acceptance corrections for any BSM scenario using HEPMC, PROMC, LHE files. It converts truth-level data (from ProMC, HEPMC or LHE files) into identifiable objects such as isolated jets, b-jets, electrons, and muons, which are then processed by publicly available TensorFlow models.
For ATLAS/CMS : ATLAS and CMS can also use HEPMC and LHE files. ATLAS can use PHYS_LIGHT and DAOD inputs. These formats have not been implemented yet.
Currently only ProMC input files and slimmed Delphes ROOT files with the size less than 150MB are supported. These files can be downloaded from HepSim repository.
If you are an ATLAS Collaboration member, you can use this internal note that describes more features of this tool (multiple trigger streams):
Chekanov, Sergei; Islam, Wasikul; Zhang, Rui; Mohiuddin, Saad; Luongo, Nicholas; Weik, Edison James; Allen, Derrick Ray; "ADFilter - a web tool for anomaly detection using autoencoders based on deep unsupervised neural networks", ATL-COM-PHYS-2024-469, August 2024, CERN, ATL-COM-PHYS-2024-469